
A Golden Moment
A gathering of families highlighted the June 22, 2024 dedication of a new Woody Williams Foundation Gold Star Family Memorial Monument at the Veterans National Memorial Shrine and Museum, Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Gold Star Families have endured the grief and loss of a loved one during America’s wars. The man behind remembering and honoring these families was World War II Medal of Honor recipient Woody Williams, a Marine veteran.
His commitment and tireless work ensured that these memorial monuments have been created in 137 locations with another 49 in progress.
A committee was created with Matt and Tiffany Careins, as board co-chairs and member Alena Gillum, a Marine Corps veteran, based on her dedication to the veteran community. Tiffany shared, “We were also honored to be joined on the committee by Gold Star Parents Dave and Lory Grames ”. Their son, David Grames-Sanchez, a Lance Corporal in the Marine Corps, died on May 11, 2006 in Anbar Province, Iraq.
The forever commitment of the Veterans National Memorial Shrine and Museum to be a place “Where. no veteran is every forgotten” stands strong.
Photo L-R:
Mark Harris, CEO/President Woody Williams Foundation, USMC (Ret)
and Dave and Lory Grames, Gold Star Parents and committee members.